Why this blog?

It's a vehicle for me to express and develop my thoughts, feelings, views and ideas.....publicly!
My photo
Singapore City, Singapore
An 'around the world honeymoon adventure' with Snowdon was the adventure of 2010. The adventure of 2011 is living in Singapore and experiencing the pleasures of Asia; warm climate, lovely food, an abundance of culture, new family and friends, and meanwhile re-adapting to living away from the delights of NZ; family, friends, fresh air, nature and a relaxed lifestyle, hence our eventual resting place.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Santa Teresa - One a day. Make it go away!

I thought this was a very thoughtful, creative, simple, yet effective idea.  I'd noticed rubbish around and thought, geez I should really do something about it....but did nothing.

Then I saw this, and thought, hmmmm one piece huh?

Now I'm doing something.  Every day one piece seems to spring up in front of me saying, "I'm your piece today Amber!"  And I pick it up.  So simple, so effective.

Sometimes I think, 'man one's pretty pathetic I should probably pick up some more'.  Then I catch myself and I think, 'no the point is one piece - that way it's easy and I'll keep doing it'.  And I do. Man I've picked up two big pieces of glass from the sand - could've saved someone a serious injury!

Who knows who else is out there picking up one piece a day.

To whoever made that sign and display - thanks!

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