We had a mystical experience last night. We stayed at Cascada Verde in Uvita. It's a mainly volunteer run lodge with yoga and explains itself as 'an Eco lodge evolving a human habitat into a native ecosystem'. Was a great place to stay - very relaxing. This morning I lay and read and slept in a hammock and then Snowdon and I played chess with pieces carved from Bamboo.
Anyway back to Sapphire. Sapphire is very unique and memorable and had a big impact on both of us. She was the first one to greet us at the lodge and as my judgements of her went into a frenzy (she was incredibly gaunt) I wanted to run a mile. Fortunately Snowdon's judgements weren't and as he showed his interest in her huge necklace which was made up of hundreds of different types of jewels (incidentally including A Lot of 'Amber', her middle name) my view quickly began to alter. She is 23 and has been to 48 countries, and she's picked those jewels up from all over the place - a pretty good effort.
Anway the whole trip I've been going on about seeing a psyschic (my mum was into all kinds of stuff like that and I think it's really interesting, if a bit way out..) who are all over the place in Costa Rica. And what do you know - there's one managing our lodge - one of those opportunities that we really shouldn't pass up. So after a fantastic surf at Dominical, dinner and a little discussion we decide to go for it.
Over a lamp lit table Sapphire tells us a little of what she does. She tells us that she has always had a really clear understanding of her spiritual being, and is still working on understanding her physical being (which explained the gauntness to me and I understood - I'm the reverse, pretty good understanding of my physical being, spiritual being...??...I guess she might of thought my spiritual being looked gaunt haha! part of the reason I'm on this trip..). She tells us that she's always been able to see people's Aura's - that that is just natural to her and she was surprised when she found out that it wasn't like that for everybody.
She pulled out a pack of Archangel cards, and Ascended Master cards. Judgements came out again..man what cards? I could just go to the shop and buy some and flip them over.. Well I started to flip and she explained as we went and it was REALLY interesting. She explained the science behind aura's and the vibrations and atoms...
Sapphire got me to ask a question (then I didn't have a clue which question to ask so she gave me examples and I pounced on one). I asked, "Who is my Archangel?"
Hey guess what? Da na na nah! It's:
Archangel Jeremiel ~
Archangel Jeremiel ~

Jeremiel's name means 'Mercy of God'. Archangel of prophetic vision's and helps newly-crossed over souls to review their lives. He helps those still living to take an inventory of their life, to be able to make positive changes. The Angel of Emotional Healing.
Sapphire said that I have a high level of intuition and that enables me to contribute to others so if I'm unsure to just trust myself and go for it!
You know when someone's looking at you and you can feel it so you turn around and they look away (and vice versa when you get snapped staring of course). Well she says that's because I'm intuitive to the vibrations and some people won't feel them - I'm unsure about that one - everyone does that don't they?
NOTE: Comments welcome on this point - anyone who does or doesn't have that experience? Intuition or normal human experience to feel when someone's watching you?
The second Archangel assists with the work of the first one (hope I'm explaining this bit correctly). This is mine - seems pretty appropriate to me..
The second Archangel assists with the work of the first one (hope I'm explaining this bit correctly). This is mine - seems pretty appropriate to me..

Archangel Metatron
Focus on your highest priorities
I will help you get organized and motivated.
Bringing about World Change.
Indigo and Crystal children: You have a bond with children - in particular you can help those who are sensitive.
I will help you get organized and motivated.
Bringing about World Change.
Indigo and Crystal children: You have a bond with children - in particular you can help those who are sensitive.
Then I picked an Ascended Master for my Past, Present, Future (and the last one oversees it all).
Past: Priorities - (Saint-Germain?) Stick to your priorities and be assertive in saying no to anything that diverts you.
Yes well that would be accurate - make priorities, set a goal, work hard out till I achieve it.
Present: Take Control - Moses
Still sounding pretty accurate. I'm currently doing something completely different, taking control to alter what I'm up to..
Future (and my personal favourite): FREEDOM, Hina - a Hawaiian/Pacific moon goddess (so beautiful that no one can look at her directly - eek that would be quite lonely wouldn't it!?). Walk away from restrictions and be free! Loving that out there in my future! (Also fertility with her too Harold).
Extra: Detach from Drama - Saint-Germain I think.
Then we got onto Snowdon. She said we'll just do one with you because you'll end up analysing and comparing and thinking about it too much later if we pick more than one - hah!
Anway da nah nah nah- Yahoo.
He got. 'Drink more Water' - you know what that means? That his body is crying out for/thirsty for water. Just not drinking water, but anything to do with water - he's got to get himself around water - SURFING is in the water - nice one Sapphire, this is getting even better!
And Purification...
She said that he had a whole lot of Spiritual healing guides around him and said he could do Psychic Surgery (actually making cuts in people and healing them with no blood....) and was quite surprised/shocked/ and envious at this point! She said that he was very lucky as she had spend a couple of months with one recently and said it was amazing. She said she could see it happening for him within the next 10 years if he choose. We weren't quite so sure about that one. We know he's pretty special but not quite so keen on the cutting people bit..
Lastly we got one more for where we're at in this moment:
I got Pavarti (below). But brain was full at this point and can't remember much about her.
Sapphire got Nature - hence her situation at Cascada Verde right now.
And Snowdon's we can't remember (whoops)!
So that was my mystical experience.....(quite a 'journey')
I rolled 3 000 'colones' up in a paua paper clip (thanks Dan Heinrich's Dad) from my little kiwi goodie gift bag and she showed her delight and said it would go in her special box of treasures and thanked me with one of her appreciative bows - phew I picked well.
However Sapphire is, she is authentic for who she is, and we think she's intriguing and awesome.
Thanks Sapphire!
Hi Amber
ReplyDeleteI think your mother would have been interested in this. Me interested, but not really my scene
Hi Amber and good morning to the both of you. Have been wondering what has been up with the two of you this weekend. Mysticism.............? Hmmmm. Snowda has decided perspectives about things like this. Am am a cynic but have an open mind.
ReplyDeleteGo buy another camera and bring this one back to Singapore and we'll get it fixed. Sent Snowdon enough money last week to absorb the cost of a new one, surely.
Greta description AJHT. I am fascinated by that stuff too, although rarely manage to actually let go of scepticism... Looking forward to more mystical stories!