Why this blog?

It's a vehicle for me to express and develop my thoughts, feelings, views and ideas.....publicly!
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Singapore City, Singapore
An 'around the world honeymoon adventure' with Snowdon was the adventure of 2010. The adventure of 2011 is living in Singapore and experiencing the pleasures of Asia; warm climate, lovely food, an abundance of culture, new family and friends, and meanwhile re-adapting to living away from the delights of NZ; family, friends, fresh air, nature and a relaxed lifestyle, hence our eventual resting place.

Monday, February 22, 2010

School holidays in Monteverde - Sat to Midday Mon - Luxury, Wii and a Hummingbird

For schools here it's six weeks on, then one week off.  I had two weeks on, now I have one week off.
Hey a school holiday is a school holiday - it feels just as good even if only after two weeks of teaching!

We are now living in even more luxury.  Cindy and Jason have come through for us again and offered us their house for week while they go on a much deserved holiday!

Wow a proper wooden house, complete with washing machine, hot shower, fully equipped kitchen, coffee maker, TV/DVD's/Wii a lovely back yard and outdoor seating area, two bookshelves FULL of books and two very comfy couches.

We moved into Cindy and Jasons first thing in the morning (they left real early) still in our pjamas - we were so excited.  Then we checked out their Nintendo Wii (for untec ppl like me that is a action video game).  I did skateboarding, kung fu, aerobics, and strength yoga (man that was the hard one).  Then Snowdon and I played Tennis (he wasted me).  Then we made the trip into Santa Elena and stocked up with groceries.

We both woke up with sore arms from the Wii!  Chilled out and read all day (except for a really hot and tiring mid day run - ouch!) and I finished 'I know this much is true' by Wally Lamb.  I also discovered 'Thich Nhat Hanh', more about him in upcomings ideas/musings. I finally got started on one of my holiday projects - getting my storage drive sorted - yippee I'm underway!

Another expedition into town (a 3km walk from Monteverde), Santa Elena.  On our way from the bank to the coffee shop I had an incredible 'moment'!

For the first time I saw an ....... amazing tiny little green bird (wow, i thought, a bird the size of a big insect).  It was absolutely beautiful - man you should of seen those wings go.  That tiny little heart must have been going for it.  Snowdon said "it's a Hummingbird".  I stood and watched it flutter from flower to flower in awe..

I tried to find an image that would capture it's beauty - to no avail.

That's all for now folks.

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