Well I've been 'reading busy' in September, which should well make up for the nil books I completed in August!
Alexander Pushkin: Selected Works, Prose (Russian Classics)

Here is a sentence, from Pushkin's short story 'The Postmaster' that I particularly enjoyed, “The sky was covered with grey clouds, a cold wind was blowing from the empty cornfields, bearing red and yellow leaves from the trees in its passage”. Poetic.
The Five People you meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
For One More Day by Mitch Albom
Another great short read. A day with a dead loved one – his Mom. I found a parallel with my dreams of my own Mum. These dreams have progressed through many emotional stages and I’m happy to write that the most recent one consisted of joy, love and laughter. It’s like I get to hang out with her again now and again, which is lovely. There is no valid reason for this being underlined, I just can't un-underline it.
This book is so incredible that I'll need a whole individual blog post for it to fully express what I have to say about this topic of Burma. Another book that I think every adult should read, and act on.
Buddhist Acts of Compassion by Pamela Bloom
Another great short read.