Why this blog?

It's a vehicle for me to express and develop my thoughts, feelings, views and ideas.....publicly!
My photo
Singapore City, Singapore
An 'around the world honeymoon adventure' with Snowdon was the adventure of 2010. The adventure of 2011 is living in Singapore and experiencing the pleasures of Asia; warm climate, lovely food, an abundance of culture, new family and friends, and meanwhile re-adapting to living away from the delights of NZ; family, friends, fresh air, nature and a relaxed lifestyle, hence our eventual resting place.

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Plan

Welcome to my blog! 

My plan to begin my blog looks like.....

1.  Wedding update
2.  Taupo Bay 'Family and Friends' Honeymoon.
3.  New fish
4.  The adventure begins - The 'Duo style' Honeymoon.

Watch this space...
Hasta pronto!

PS: Thanks to Maurie for helping me set the blog up.


  1. Hi Amber! Here's your brand new father-in-law!!! The picture u posted is a VERY handsome one of the to of you! It certainly was a beatiful and meaningful wedding ceremony you planned at the beach. I couldn't help tear-ing from time to time during the ceremony. It was touching, relaxed and heartwarming right through. Here's wishing the both of you the happiest time of your lives so far on your round-the-world honeymoon trip. Live in the moment and watch out for each other whereever you happen to me. Am I the first to blog on blogspot? Much affection, Harold

  2. Yes you are - thanks Harold. And thank you so much for our trip!!! In Auckland airport now. Leaving for LAX very soon.

    Love Amber

  3. Hi Amber

    I have attached the link to the site for the free counter I use. Visit it, copy the code and then go to your blog, go to Customise, select a Gadget, select the html gadget and follow instructions to paste code. Don't forget to click save at the end.

  4. Love your wedding - it was SUPER-AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC! Photos are soooooo beautiful!
    Waiting to read your travel journal blog.

  5. Thanks Maurie - counter all set up and running - currently 118 yahoo!
    Thanks Snowda - I agree it was SUPER-AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC! Thank you for making it go so wonderfully!
