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It's a vehicle for me to express and develop my thoughts, feelings, views and ideas.....publicly!
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Singapore City, Singapore
An 'around the world honeymoon adventure' with Snowdon was the adventure of 2010. The adventure of 2011 is living in Singapore and experiencing the pleasures of Asia; warm climate, lovely food, an abundance of culture, new family and friends, and meanwhile re-adapting to living away from the delights of NZ; family, friends, fresh air, nature and a relaxed lifestyle, hence our eventual resting place.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nike and Venus de Milo

I love these two sculptures. I saw them in the Louvre when I visited Paris from London with my friend Kathleen.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace (aka Nike of Samothrace)
The Winged Victory of Samothrace
Action, Triumph, Beauty. The sculptor is unknown. She was created to honor the goddess Nike, and a sea battle. She represents the goddess as she descends from the skies to the triumphant fleet. To quote wikipedia: The work is notable for its convincing rendering of a pose where violent motion and sudden stillness meet, for its graceful balance and for the rendering of the figure's draped garments, depicted as if rippling in a strong sea breeze, which is considered especially compelling.

Venus de Milo (aka Aphrodite de Milo)

The greek goddess of love and beauty (Milo was an Island in Greece). She originally held an apple in her hand and was looking at it. Sculpted by Alexandros of Antioch. Wikipedia: It was duly praised by artists and critics as the epitome of graceful female beauty.

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